Quaid i Azam University QAU Islamabad Director Jobs

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Quaid i Azam University QAU Islamabad Director Jobs

Are you looking for an exciting job opportunity? The Quaid i Azam University QAU published the latest jobs opportunity for you in the Daily Express newspaper. Last date to apply as per the advertisement is 25  March 2023. So don’t wait till the last date to apply. Here you can read all the requirements for the vacant positions and how to apply in detail.

Details of Posts

Quaid i Azam University QAU School is looking for dynamic, qualified, and energetic candidates for the post of Lecturer. The advertisement was published on 11 March 2023.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Qualification: Phd

How to apply

  1. Appointee on the above mentioned posts would continue to be in BPS-20/21.
  2. Upper age limit: 55-years (relaxable by two years by the Competent Authority on recommendations of the Selection Board).
  3. In the first instance the candidates who fulfill the criteria laid down for the post of Professor by HEC would be considered and candidates selected from among them would be appointed as Director in BS-21.
  4. In case, no candidate meets the requirements prescribed for the post of Professor, then, the candidates who fulfill the criteria set for the post of Associate Professor by HEC would be considered and the selected candidate would be appointed as Director in BPS-20.
  5. As far as Journals Category is concerned, the HEC HJRS policy will be followed and in question grading of notification is aligned to the latest notified policy (01.07.2018) which prevails now, for publications only Y-category publications will be considered prior to 01.07.2018 and will be given 1-mark but afterwards no weightage will be given for papers in Y Category for the appointment of Director.
  6. The appointments will be made strictly in consonance of guidelines issued by the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training and Higher Education Commission (the same are uploaded at University website along-with detailed advertisement).
  7. The appointment would be made for a tenure of four years. If the selected candidates do not belong to the Centre, the appointment would be made either on deputation or on contract basis.
  8. The Director who served for one tenure may apply again.
  9. Applicants are required to submit Six copies of the applications / dossiers duly bind along-with a soft copy of dossier in PDF form (CD/DVD) on the prescribed proforma along-with attested documents (i) degrees / certificates (ii) experience certificate (iii) CNIC (iv) domicile (v) research publication (vi) 02-recent photographs, fully bound with a pay order, Bank draft or paid Challan (only HBL, QAU Branch) for Rs.2000/- and applications from abroad with US $ 100 as application fee (non-refundable) drawn in favour of Treasurer, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. 10- All the applications should reach the office of the Assistant Registrar (Establishment-I), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad within 60 days of the date of this advertisement.
  10. Application forms are available at the University website www.qau.edu.pk and the same can also be obtained from the office of the Deputy Registrar (Establishment). Further information can be obtained on phone No. 051-90644083, 90644142.

Quaid i Azam University QAU Islamabad Director Jobs Advertisement

Quaid i Azam University QAU Islamabad Director Jobs


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Quaid-i-Azam University QAU

Quaid-i-Azam University QAU Jobs
Company Information
  • Total Jobs 4 Jobs
  • Category Education & Training
  • Location Islamabad
  • Address Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad

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